
Courses and schedules are subject to change based on demand and availability.

Which courses will you take in forensic medicine?

Degree Options

The online M.S. in Forensic Medicine program consists of 37 credits – 26 core credit hours and 11 elective credit hours – and has thesis and non-thesis options.

Full Course List

Core Courses

Course #Course NameCreditsTypeFallSpringSummer
GMS6360Principles of Forensic Medicine 14CoreX
GMS6361Principles of Forensic Medicine 2**4CoreX
GMS6362Principles of Crime Scene Investigation3CoreXXX
GMS6352Artifacts of Decomposition3CoreXXX
GMS6354Communication Skills in a Forensic Context3CoreXXX
GMS6351Trauma Analysis3CoreX
GMS6363Principles of Osteology3CoreXX
GMS6905Independent Studies in Medical Sciences (Literature Survey)
Grading and Max Credits:
Graduate Catalog Info GMS6905

GMS6905Independent Studies in Medical Sciences (Final Exam)
Grading and Max Credits:
Graduate Catalog Info GMS6905


Electives – Online

Course #Course NameCreditsTypeFallSpringSummer
ENY6706Forensic Entomology3ElectiveX
GMS6350Forensic Investigations3ElectiveXXX
GMS6353Gross Anatomical Exam3ElectiveX
GMS6355Traffic Homicide Investigation and Reconstruction3ElectiveX
GMS6356Applied Osteology3ElectiveX
GMS6357Forensic Photography***3ElectiveX
GMS6358Forensic Medicine 3**4ElectiveX
GMS6359Principles of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis3ElectiveX
GMS6365Principles of Forensic Psychology3ElectiveX
GMS6971Research for Master's Thesis (Thesis Research)
Grading and Max Credits: Graduate Catalog Info GMS6971
VME6053Skeletal Trauma Analysis in Animals3ElectiveX
VME6054Scientific and Legal Principles of Forensic Evidence3ElectiveX

Most Maples Center program courses count as electives within other Maples Center programs, so long as they reasonably apply toward the degree. To learn more about these other programs please visit their websites: Shelter Medicine | Veterinary Forensic Sciences | Wildlife Forensic Sciences & Conservation

Learn more about the thesis and non-thesis options and their course requirements here. 

Electives – In-Person

We offer opportunities for hands-on training with our in-person labs. The labs are 5 days and count as 3 academic credits upon completion. 

Course #Course NameCreditsTypeFallSpringSummer
GMS6357L***Forensic Photography Laboratory3ElectiveX
GMS6359LPrinciples of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Laboratory3ElectiveX
GMS6352LArtifacts of Decomposition Laboratory3ElectiveFall 2024 Reschedule TBD
GMS6362LPrinciples of Crime Scene Investigation Laboratory3ElectiveX

*** Access to DSLR camera and tripod required
** Pre-requisites need to be met prior to taking FM2, FM3